Collection of recipes

Some of these I make monthly, some of these I've yet to try

It's a mix of recipes from different sites and recipes given to me by friends. I've linked the first kind to their source site, but do tell me if you find a source on the internet that I forgot to link. Some of these may also be in spanish or german.

Al's tips for shit to make when you're low on energy

Ten minute pasta stuff:
You can do a lot with pasta and frozen veggies. Boil pasta and veggies together (I like to put in frozen peas and broccoli but just yeet whatever from a can if you want. Or just do pasta without veggies if you want), be sure to salt the water. Then drain and add:
a) tomato sauce and cheese
b) mayonnaise/sauce of you choosing and a can of tuna. I also like to add chopped up boiled egg to either complement or replace the tuna (if you boil the egg with the pasta wash it first). Add salt, pepper, whichever herbs you like (optional)

If you fry, fried onion is great to add to sauce, veggies, sandwhich, literally anything. Fry 'em with chopped up bell pepper and add a can of pureed tomato and some salt, oregano and garlic for easy tomato sauce, or keep the mix in the fridge to add to stuff

For real no energy, I present you: the microwave. Take a slice of bread, slather in tomato sauce and top with cheese, chuck into the microwave until cheese is melted, take out, separate bread from plate til its cooled down enough to be grippable and eat. Top with literally anything.

Hummus and crackers is also a classic and requires zero preparation if you already have the hummus and the crackers. Here's my recipe for if you want to make hummus:
Can of boiled chickpeas, tablespoon of oil, teaspoon tahini, teaspoon of salt, half a squeezed lemon, pinch of cumin (optional) and however many cloves of garlic you want.
Put in blend, blend until smooth. I can eat hummus so fast, its great

Stuff(ing) for tortilla (mexican):
In a pot fry some onion and garlic. add can of beans, add can of sweetcorn, some chopped bell pepper, pureed tomato, oregano, paprika powder, salt and pepper (or add some ready made tomato sauce). Put in some shredded frozen chicken, stir until the liquid thickens up (add flour if its too thin after ten minutes). Stuff your tortillas and enjoy.

Potato omlette aka spanish tortilla:
Cut potato into chunks, fry in oil with optional onions until done. Add scrambled egg and keep frying until all the potato pieces are joined together.
You can turn it over in the pan if you want and let it cook from both sides or you can wait until the egg is done from one single side. Enjoy!

Wolf's tuna flautas


A can of tuna
A packet of tortillas
1 avocado
Some olive oil
salt to taste
chili jalapeño


1) you drain your tuna and place it in a bowl along a little bit of olive oil and salt, and mix it.
2) you put two pans on the stove and pour oil in one. One the one without oil you cook the tortillas till their soft, then fill it with the tuna, roll it, then place it on the one with oil so it cooks. You repeat till you have the amount of flautas you want.
3) you put the avocado, chili jalapeño, and chili jalapeño juice on the blender and blend them till its a thick sauce.
4) put the flautas on your plate, pour the avocado sauce and cream on top and sprinkle a little of salt.

Friend's tumblr

Dia's hungarian stroganoff


800g beef, 4 rashers bacon,
30g flour,
2 large white onions,
3 cloves garlic,
3tbsp olive oil,
4tbsp tomato purée,
2tbsp chicken gravy granules,
2 pints chicken stock,
4tbsp paprika,
2tbsp chilli powder,
1tsp cumin,
1tsp oregano,
1 green pepper,
1 red pepper,
2 large tomatoes,
200g mushrooms,
a large handful of fresh parsley,
150ml double cream
(tbh i usually double all the spices at least but i tend to write down the kind of "bare minimum" amount and then season to taste from there)


Fry chopped onions and garlic in olive oil until translucent. Add bacon and beef, mix in flour, and fry until browned. Add purée, all the herbs and spices apart from the parsley, the stock, and the gravy granules, add water to cover if needed, simmer for at least an hour. Add the chopped veg and keep simmering until cooked through. Turn down the heat and add the parsley and cream. Serve with boiled potatoes and pickles.
It's quite mild for me personally I'm more of a "12 cloves of garlic and an entire tub of chilli flakes" person rather than a "subtle meaty flavours" one but it is as far as my family can tell extremely authentic to what was being served in Hungarian restaurants in the 1970s in England, so that's a fun bit of food history.

Friend's tumblr

Tajine para 4 personas


Cebolla 120 g
Diente de ajo 1
Ras el hanout 10 g
Calabacín 250 g
Tomate troceado natural 200 g
Agua 50 ml
Comino molido 5 g
Cilantro molido 10 g
Canela molida 2 g
Cuscús 100 g
Caldo de verduras
Uvas pasas sultanas 15 g
Anacardos 15 g
Mantequilla 10
Aceite de oliva virgen extra

Tiempo total 30 m
Elaboración 10 m
Cocción 20 m

Instrucciones:Pelamos y picamos finamente el diente de ajo. Hacemos lo mismo con la cebolla, cortándola en juliana fina. Calentamos aceite en una sartén y pochamos ambos a fuego suave. Cuando la cebolla esté transparente añadimos el ras el hanout y removemos para mezclar. Pochamos un par de minutos más.
Mientras tanto lavamos el calabacín y lo cortamos en dados. Lo agregamos a la sartén junto con el tomate triturado y el agua. Sazonamos, tapamos y dejamos cocer durante 5 minutos o hasta que el calabacín esté ligeramente tierno y al dente. Retiramos y reservamos.
Preparamos el cuscús tostando las especias en una cazuela durante un minuto, de esta manera desprenden su olor y se potencia su sabor. Colocamos el cuscús en una jarra medidora para calcular la cantidad de caldo necesaria, que será el mismo volumen. Añadimos el caldo a la cazuela, llevamos a ebullición y añadimos el cuscús. Tapamos y dejamos reposar 10 minutos.
Troceamos los anacardos con las manos y picamos las uvas pasas finamente con un cuchillo bien afilado. Los añadimos al cuscús junto con la mantequilla y removemos, usando la punta de un tenedor para soltar los granos. Servimos junto con las verduras al ras el hanout espolvoreadas con almendra laminada tostada (opcional).


Receta original italiana (Ragú alla bolognese)


500 g. de carne magra y tierna de ternera o de buey
1 cebolleta fresca
150 gr de panceta curada de cerdo (que no sea muy salada)
1 zanahoria pequeña
1 penca de apio (opcional)
3 tomates rojos de pera o 1 bote de tomate troceado
1 vaso de vino tinto
hoja de laurel y perejil picado
Orégano lo más fresco posible (opcional)
Aceite de oliva virgen extra, sal y pimienta


Salteamos la panceta picada en muy poquito aceite y dejamos que se dore y se ponga crujiente. La retiramos,
En esa misma grasa rehogamos la cebolla con la zanahoria muy picaditas y la hoja de laurel. Puedes poner también apio picadito. Ponemos sal para que suelten toda el agua.
Picamos la carne (en la receta original, a cuchillo) muy fina. Ponemos la panceta dorada y la carne, salteamos unos minutos y añadimos el vino y las especias, sal, pimienta y orégano si lo vas a usar. Cuando notes que ha evaporado el alcohol es el momento de añadir el tomate y algo de azúcar si es muy ácido.
Probamos de sal y dejamos cocer todo el conjunto a fuego lento por lo menos una hora. La salsa va reduciendo mucho y puedes añadir algo de agua si es necesario.


Neil Gaiman's bagel recipe

100 ml starter
200 grams rye flour
220 ml water
Mix well, cover with cling film, leave overnight.

Next day, add 50 g of Buckwheat flour, 50 g of Barley flour, 100 g of rye flour. 1 tsp of sea salt and 1 tbsp of maple syrup in 2 tbsp of water.
Mix well, cover with cling film, leave for a couple of hours in a warm place.

Put a big pot of water on to boil. Add syrup to the water. (I’m using date syrup.)
Take a bowl of water. Wet hands.
With wet hands, make a ball of dough, handful size — think medium snowball. Smooth it, make the hole in the middle, drop into boiling water. It will sink to the bottom, then rise. After a couple of minutes, turn it over in the water. After a couple more minutes take it out and put it on baking paper on a baking tray. I sprinkle the paper with flour.
Keep hands wet through all of this, as if working with clay.
Don't crowd the bagels in the water pot. No more than 4 at a time. Give them time - they get puffier.
When all the bagels are on the baking tray (it makes 6 or 7) put them in the oven for about 16 or 17 minutes. Then turn them over. Back in the oven for another 6 minutes. And then they come out.
Off the tray. Let them cool, and then eat them.
There’s no heat setting mentioned, because I was cooking them in an Aga oven which doesn't have fancy things like temperature controls, but is somewhere around 220C or 420F.

Taken from his tumblr

Lentil flatbread

The recipe is 1c red lentils, 2c water, and salt to taste (I'd use no more than 1/4 teaspoon, but I don't like much salt).

Soak the lentils in the water for 2 hours, then blend into a smooth batter. Put the batter in a bowl and stir in salt, then refrigerate for 8 hours. Remove from the refrigerator, whisk to recombine separated batter, which should be slightly thicker than it was prior to refrigeration.
Lightly oil a non-stick pan and heat to medium, then ladle batter into the center of the pan and spread until you've got something like a thin pancake. Cook for 2 minutes (until edges are firm) and loosen around the edges with a spatula before flipping (should come loose with minimal effort when it's ready to flip), then cook for two more minutes. Re-oil the pan (lightly) between flatbreads.
(Half the recipe) made 5 flatbreads that were about 5-6 inches across and 1/4 inch thick.

From this tumblr thread

Algorizmi's Paprika hendl in honour of Jonathan Harker


Oil, butter or lard - 2 tablespoons
Chicken thighs, deboned & skin-on - 2 ½ to 3 pounds
Onions, thinly sliced - 2 (or 3 if small)
Hungarian sweet paprika - ¼ cup
Korean chili flakes - 2 teaspoons
Pastry flour - 2 tablespoons
Poultry stock, unsalted - 1 ½ cups
Red bell peppers, diced - 2
Salt and pepper - to taste
Sour cream - 1 cup

Lemon juice (optional) - 1 tablespoon


Heat the oil over medium-high flame in a large cast iron skillet. Add the chicken skin-side down and brown until skin is crispy, about 7 minutes. Remove to a board, and cut into bite-size pieces.
Remove any excess oil leaving about 2 tablespoons and add the onions. Sauté the onions until wilted and beginning to brown. Stir in the paprika and flour and cook for 1 to 2 minutes.
Whisk in the stock in portions, breaking up any lumps. Add the browned chicken pieces, bell peppers. and the salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and tender.
Stir in the sour cream and lemon juice if using. Adjust seasoning and reheat over low flame. Serve hot with noodles or gnocchi.

Mushrooms can be added with the stock.
Kosher version: Instead of sour cream, use 50% more flour and 33% more lemon juice. For passover use potato starch instead of flour.




500 g Gulasch, Reh-1 Zwiebel(n)
2 Karotte(n)
etwas Knollensellerie, mittelgroßes Stück, nach Belieben
½ Stange/nLauch
1 Zehe/n Knoblauch
15 Wacholderbeere(n)
2 Lorbeerblätter
10 Pfefferkörner, schwarze
½ Stange/n Zimt
5 Gewürznelke(n)
1 Glas Rotwein
1 Liter Wildfond, oder Brühe
1 EL Tomatenmark
2 EL Mehl
2 EL Preiselbeeren, (Wildpreiselbeeren), aus dem Glas
3 EL Sahne
Pfeffer, schwarzer, frisch gemahlen
evtl. Saucenbinder, oder mit Wasser angerührte Speisestärke


Arbeitszeit ca. 30 Minuten
Koch-/Backzeit ca. 2 Stunden 15 Minuten
Gesamtzeit ca. 2 Stunden 45 Minuten

Die Zwiebel und den Knoblauch würfeln, den Sellerie, die Karotten und den Lauch in größere Stücke schneiden.
Das Rehgulasch in wenig Öl in einem Topf braun anrösten, dann die Zwiebel zugeben und kurz mitdünsten lassen. Das restliche Gemüse und den Knoblauch zugeben und ebenso ca. 5 Minuten unter Rühren mitdünsten. Mit Salz und schwarzem Pfeffer aus der Mühle würzen. Das Tomatenmark und die Preiselbeeren zugeben und kurz anrösten und mit dem Mehl bestäuben. Das Mehl rasch untermischen und mit dem Glas Rotwein ablöschen. Einkochen lassen, bis von dem Rotwein nur noch ca. 10 EL im Topf übrig sind, dann mit Fond oder Brühe angießen.
Die Wacholderbeeren in einer Pfanne ohne Öl kurz anschwitzen, bis sie glänzen. Vorsichtig, sie dürfen nicht anbrennen! Dann die Wacholderbeeren mithilfe eines Messers flach auf einem Schneidebrett zerdrücken. Alle Gewürze in einen Teebeutel füllen und im Topf "versenken". Das Rehgulasch nun auf kleiner Flamme ca. 2 Std. schmurgeln lassen - zwischendurch immer mal wieder umrühren.
Dann den Teebeutel und die Fleischstücke aus dem Topf nehmen, das Röstgemüse abseihen (Sud aufbewahren!) und ca. 1/3 (je nach Gusto auch mehr) davon mit dem Pürierstab fein zerkleinern. Den Sud zurück in den Topf geben und unter großer Hitze zum Kochen bringen. Das fein pürierte Röstgemüse zugeben und bei Bedarf nochmals andicken (Soßenbinder oder Speisestärke/Wassergemisch), nun nach Gusto nochmals mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen.
Einen großen EL Preiselbeeren unterrühren und mit der Sahne abschließend verfeinern.


Magdalenas de Elena

(Sirve para bizcocho o para 10-12 magdalenas)

1 taza harina con levadura
1 taza de zanahoria rallada
3/4 taza de azúcar moreno / panela
1 huevo (1 cucharada de lino molido - 3 cucharadas de agua)
1/4 taza de aceite de oliva
Pizca de sal
Chips de chocolate/ pasas

Mezclar todo junto y echar en una forma con papel de horno o en formas de magdalenas
Al horno a 180-200C hasta que un palillo salga limpio

Uncredited as per their own wishes lmao

Rowan's friend's mum's brownies

photo of the below recipe hand-written onto a paper notebook

Double chocolate brownies


Dark choco mixture:
200g dark chocolate
200g butter
250g caster sugar
3 eggs
125g plain flour

White choco mixture:
1 egg
200g cream cheese
50g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
100g white chocolate, broken into pieces

1. Preheat oven to 180ºC/350ºF/GM4. Grease + line brownie tin.
2. Melt dark choc + butter. Mix well to combine. Allow to cool slightly.
3. Meanwhile, make white choc mixture: whisk together egg, cream cheese, sugar & vanilla until smooth. Stir in white choc pieces. Set aside.
4. In large bowl, whisk eggs + sugar until pale. With motor of whisk still running, stir in dark choc mixture, then fold in flour.
5. Pour half dark choc mixture into brownie tin, then pour over white choc mixture before dolloping on rest of dark choc mixture. Marble with handle of a wooden spoon.
6. Bake for ca. 35 minutes.

Rowan's tumblr

The Mugnut: Donut in a mug recipe


2 tablespoons (1oz/30g) Butter
4 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 Egg yolk
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon milk
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon Strawberry jam
Cinnamon sugar to garnish


Place butter into a microwavable mug and microwave until just melted. (roughly 20 seconds)
Add in the remaining ingredients; mix well with a fork until just combined
Once the batter is mixed place the spoonful of jam down into the batter to get a jammy center
Microwave for 45 seconds or until it is firm on top. (Cooking time is based on my 1200W microwave so your timing might vary) Always keep a close eye on your mug while in the microwave so it doesn’t overflow or overcook.
Sprinkle some cinnamon sugar on top and enjoy straight away!

Recipe Notes:

They can be mixed up in advance for an even speedier meal
Cooking time will vary depending on your microwave and the width and depth of the mug
You can replace the egg with 2 tablespoons of banana or apple sauce.
You can bake them in the oven at 350°F (180°C) for roughly 10-12 minutes. However every mug is different so I advise checking on it after 10 and then make a call.


Majorcan almond cake

Ingredients for 12 pieces:
6 Eggs
Grated zest of a natural lemon
200 g Finely ground almonds
250 g Icing sugar
1 vanilla pod or vanilla sugar
1 pinch Salt
Icing sugar for dusting
Grease and flour, semolina or breadcrumbs for the baking tin


Separate the eggs, whisk the egg whites with a little salt until very stiff, then whisk the egg yolks with the icing sugar, vanilla and grated lemon zest until very foamy.
Fold in the ground almonds and the beaten egg whites. Pour the mixture into a greased baking tin (26 cm Ø) dusted with cornflour or almond flour. Sprinkle with additional flaked almonds if desired.
Bake in a preheated oven at 175º for about 45 minutes until light brown. If necessary, cover the cake while baking. Dust with icing sugar before serving.
Bon Profit!


Some cool places to get recipes from

The fuck you buffet a queer rage recipe book

Gode cookery medieval cookbook

Baking and math and some non-baking recipes as well

Grimgrains has some good vegan recipes

Virtual Weber bulletin board recipes from the weber grill forum

Cooking on a bootstrap cheap recipes

... and if you ever want to try AI-generated food there's robotrecipes