OCs and worldbuilding

Working story title: Flame
The main bulk of my OCs live in the same setting - a fantasy medieval society, with magic and dragons.
A bit of history: In the alliance of kingdoms, a long time ago, the sacred dragons ruled along the volcanic ridge, being respected an honored by the human settlements nearby. But slowly, those settlements began to grow and solidify, and the newly emerged kings of those groups sought to expand their territory. The dragons did not tolerate some measly humans with pointy sticks trying to take over their homes and breeding grounds, and a terrible bloody war reigned between the two for over a hundred years, diminishing both populations. Two centuries ago, a group of powerful humans struck peace with the remaining dragon elders, the most important pact that all kings and dragons honour now, during the reign of the alliance of kingdoms.
The pact dictates several behaviours: Firstly, that dragons may live unencumbered along the volcanic ridge, and any human that ventures there is beholden to the draconic rules. Secondly, that any dragons taking up residence in the alliance of kingdoms are not to burn any areas, eat anything but wild animals, and are not to reside in the royal forests. Thirdly, it establishes a human wedding tradition: Any noble men who are bethrothed to be married must undergo a trial of the tower to prove their suitability, in which they must retrieve their bethrothed from a tower guarded by a dragon.
Here is some history you may not know: One of the kingdoms in the allience has been ruled up until recently by a Dark Lord of Magic. Nobody knows what happened, but one night there was a big explosion somewhere in his sacrosanctum, and not only did it collapse half the castle complex, but it also threw his tightly regulated skeleton army into scouring and burning the lands of the surrounding kingdoms in search of an unknown magical object.